A surprisingly good independent film. The lead role has high potential.
9 June 2019
"A Young Man With High Potential" (7)🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 I truly only watched this film because it had no reviews on IMDb and with hundreds of movies at my disposal to choose from I hate to waste time so a competent review to me is priceless. Right away this film gets the ball rolling within the first 5 minutes the pace doesn't drag and every scene is relevant to the story. A small cast you can count on one hand but the acting is quite good, especially from the lead role who was superb. The whole film is basically shot in a modern one bedroom apartment but they have enough scenes outside and other places to keep you from getting claustrophobic. The videography was clean and the angles were refreshing the camera never seemed to be out of place and it really told the story from the best perspective. You may be reminded a bit of other films that are based along the same premise but this flick really stands out by creating a character that's complex while simultaneously being relatable or familiar of someone just like him filled with anger and empathy. A very good film from start to finish the ending was on point and really stuck the landing. I definitely recommend this film it may just surprise you.
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