Destroy all monsters all over again......
8 June 2019
I am a die hard fan of toho sci-fi films. I own everything there is about kaiju universe and have watched every single toho Godzilla film numerous times in dvd and most of those films in a theater back at the time.

The first 1998 American remake was an entertaining movie but never the less a failure for the real Godzilla toho fans.

the 2014 version was a vast improvement as it was closer to the real feeling a Godzilla movie should have. this new remake had even greater connection to the earlier Japanese Godzilla flicks. finally we got to see a big budget film with king ghidorah ... rodan..mothra which is reason enough to go watch this film if u are a toho Godzilla fan like me.

unfortunately the film had scenario issues they could find a better explanation as to why the monsters were released but at least they tried with that part to explain and there were also messages about the survival of our nation. another negative was they did not shown a lot of the rest of the 14 like monsters they were set free. besides the big four we saw only a glimpse of 2-3 other monsters. the mutos a kind of mammouth which I don't remember to feature in any of the Japanese Godzilla films and I think I saw kamakutra a well known kaiju from the film Godzilla vs the sea monster (1966) where are the rest of the monsters ? where are gorosaurus...manda....anguiras....varan....baragon.....mechagodzilla....spacegodzilla...destroyer....gigan....and so many others ? they could have included a scene like that in destroy all monsters film in which we can see manda destroy paris...etc..etc anyways those were the only two minors the movie had. as for the rest the movie was great. the monsters looked great. the fights were long and fabulous. For those who complaint about that.......it's a Godzilla movie. it's supposed to have long fights. This movie is in essence a remake of destroy all monsters 1969 movie or also a remake to king ghidorah 1964 and it's sequel Godzilla vs monster zero 1965. if u watch those 3 movies u will find that this movie was based on those 3 earlier toho films.

All in all it was great to see those past forgotten kaiju monsters fight in a big budget film with Godzilla and next year we get finally Godzilla vs king kong remake 58 long years after the release of the original.

Grade B (8 out of 10)
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