Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
Netflix Black Mirror just sold out so hard
8 June 2019
This is one of those things where it's so bad that it just hurts and makes me upset. Miley Cyrus feels more out of place in Black Mirror than Ed Sheeran in Game of Thrones. Perhaps, I would have enjoyed this more if it didn't feel like the same logic every romantic comedy/dumb teen movie in history has used.

It's just angsty BS. It's Miley Cyrus being misdirected angry with a antagonist who is so blatantly evil that it's hilarious. It feels like those "alternative" songs produced by a corporation, and is soooo the opposite of this episode's predecessor that it's tone deaf.

The first act we have a fairly well-written development of character, but the moment that intelligence of this show went away was when one of the managers in the episode suggests casually to give drugs to their talent and NOT A SINGLE PERSON FLINCHES, CALLS IT OUT, OR QUESTIONS THIS LOGIC. This an insulting attempt from someone who thinks they understand mental health issues saying, "you're not sick, people just don't get you and are trying to control you." A more dangerous message could not be given.

MILEY CYRUS -- YOU ARE EXACTLY WHAT THIS CHARACTER IS AGAINST. EVERYONE KNOWS YOU DO NOT WRITE YOUR OWN MUSIC, YOUR LABEL BUYS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND YOUR IMAGE GETS ATTACHED TO IT. YOU ARE NOT ANGRY. YOU ARE NOT ALTERNATIVE. YOU ARE NOT EDGY. YOU DO NOT HAVE A MESSAGE THAT IS AUTHENTICALLY ANYTHING EXCEPT CORPORATE CAPITALIST CONSUMERISM. You completely lack any morsel of being self-aware, intelligent, or talented. But yeah, let's have you cover a Nine Inch Nails song and then showing images of your original fan base, who's money your entire career is built off of, get scared of "who you actually are now."

The only person you can point the finger at that's a fool/hypocrite/doesn't get it is Miley Cyrus.
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