These Three Deserve to Have Their Own Series
7 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As so few fans have been privileged to see this show, I thought my views might be of interest.

No one could wish for a series about these three more than I. I love these guys! They are amazing characters with worlds of entertainment potential. So I was delighted to be able to watch the series in its entirety.

The animation is eminently watchable as Disney continues to improve its Flash-type efforts. We get a worthy new villain (or villains, depending on your definition). The premise is imaginative, opening the door to an infinite variety of Carl Barks-style plots. I confess there are things I would've done differently, (wouldn't Xandra have worked better as a duck?), but they are not deal-breakers.


As the series progresses, the personalities of the three amigos begin to fade. They become almost indistinguishable from each other and, worse, from any other characters you might care to name, until the stories would for the most part go along exactly the same plugging any trio into the roles of Donald, José, and Panchito. Where is Donald's temper and bad luck? José's sophisticated urbanity? Panchito's hyper-active good humor? Their characters should be enriched and expanded as the series goes on; instead they wane.

The series finally jumps the shark when the caballeros wind up in the underworld. Well, maybe it doesn't quite jump the shark, but it certainly approaches the shark with the possibility of a jump.

The final episode ends with the door wide open for another season. Let's hope that the writers get back to basics and concentrate on character, so my favorite threesome can live up to their vast untapped potential.
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