The Flash: Infantino Street (2017)
Season 3, Episode 22
How Are More Fans Not Dinging This Ep For HR's Ridiculously Implausible Screwup?
31 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As at least one reviewer has already pointed out, it makes ***ZERO SENSE*** that HR would blurt out Iris's location to Barry/Flash; never mind that it turned out to be Savitar posing as Barry. This episode specifically spent time emphasizing how anything Barry knows Savitar will also end up knowing through magical 'real-time' speed force memory updates. It was established that the most important thing about hiding Iris away was that Barry couldn't know her location. If Barry doesn't know where Iris is, then neither does Savitar. We all get it. But then HR blurts out Iris's location to imposter-Barry/Savitar anyway, and the already significant amount of disbelief that one must always suspend to enjoy shows like this suddenly becomes more than just heavier-it becomes a challenge from the show's creative team to the viewer, and that challenge is something like: We dare you to let us be this lazy, to accept us contradicting the logic of our own storytelling even within the same timeframe as we're establishing it. Obviously most fans accepted the challenge. I don't get it. Most aspects of this episode were better-than-average Flash fun, and I am an overall fan of the series-i.e., totally forgiving re: fun over sense-making when it comes to all the time travel shenanigans. But that HR moment..., man, it totally broke the spell of entertainment for me. And it was insulting. Makes me sad to see this as such a highly rated episode.
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