The Coming of a Universe
31 May 2019
Many reviews are being kinda rough, so let's analize a little bit.

Many users espects a Triple A movie with a storyline more epic than "The Lords of the Ring", but we must all not forget what are doing here.

If you watched or going to watch this movie, I bet you are not waitting for a "Star Wars" movie. We have to know what we get into. This movie is not about doing things in a great way, it's about doing bad in a great way. So for that they do just great. The story ain't the best but it's what we all signed for with "Iron Sky". The efects are great, the actors not the best one but we can see they love what they are doing, so they give us a great performance. The effects are way better than we hoped for, for this kind of movie, the Storyline is original with defects, of course. The ending couldn't be better. Is true that the actions, the eventes are kinda rushed in, but again, we must remember what we signed for.

If you expect a "serious" movie, this ain't, if you expect a "logical" movie, this ain't.

But if you expect a "WTF is going on", this movie is totally for you. Because once again, we must remeber what we signed up for, and in that case, this movie just gives exactly what you are waitting for.
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