A classic human story, gets better with each watch
31 May 2019
I keep coming back to this movie in the hope to have some of the goodness in the movie rub off on me. So many loving and genuine people. So many beautiful and heartwarming moments.

Characterization of each of the characters in the movie has been excellent. There is depth to every single character you see on the screen. No one appears on the screen, "just to say that dialogue".

Casting has been perfect. Everyone has acted very very well. Costumes and the general look of everyone in the movie has been very very convincing.

Soubin has done an excellent job and is fast becoming my favorite actor in current times.

Rex Vijayan has done awesome work in not only the songs, but also in the background score. As the end credits come on, the background score takes a life of it's own.

Direction has been excellent. There is a genuineness to the presentation. You get the feeling that you are actually in the village and are seeing all the incidents directly in person.

Script has been kept very close to reality. It does attempt crescendos of various levels and have been largely successful.

Looking forward to Zachariya's next!
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