And If They Haven't Died, They're Still Alive!
24 May 2019
Once upon a time, there were three sons of a poor tailor, who set out into the world. Setting off in three directions, they each encountered a magical dwarf. Each spent a year with the dwarf, and when they left to return home, each was given a magical gift....

It's a tale out of the Brothers Grimm, and is delightfully translated for the screen by Wilhelm Prager. Because of the parallels among the three brothers' stories, it is fairly light in titles, which is a good thing in silent movies. Instead, it is filled with good low, physical humor, particularly by Erwin Kopp as the tailor, as he keeps throwing out his iron at the prospect of not having to work hard. The set design is rough and ready, but that's certainly no impediment when you have poor people and magical dwarves, and there's a happy ending.
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