Make Earth Great Again
23 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film is loosely related to the original film. The Nazis on the moon have a reign of nuclear terror on the Earth. A small group survives and forms a colony on the far side of the moon in a city called "Neomenia." The year is now 2047. Eventually, a small band must return to the center of the Earth and fight alien reptilian shapeshifters. Not related to "Nazi at the Center of the Earth".

The first thing you might notice is that Udo Kier is in it. He loves wild conspiracy theories and political satire. In this film, a Sara Palin looking woman is President of the US and we also see a young Putin type leader in charge of Russia. Many modern and historical people, including Hitler, are alien shapeshifters now living at the center of the Earth. The new religion worships "Steve" i.e. Steve Jobs. Don't get caught using something Steve did not provide. There is also a scene taken from the 1984 Superbowl Apple commercial. Other films are lightly spoofed.

I loved a few spoof scenes and didn't care for many more. In one scene they confused Hitler for Trump.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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