Another family with its ups and downs.
22 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A very young Laurence Harvey gives a mesmerizing performance in this mediocre melodrama about two brothers raised by a domineering grandmother, one of whom is truly beloved by her and the other one who becomes a psychopathic killer. Guess who is the killer.

Probably too violent for early British television, this crime drama, less than an hour long, is amazing in its psychological undertones but sadly needs more detail. Trader Faulkner is the other brother who, seemingly half-witted and gentle, is protected, while grandmother Ethel Edwards is seemingly always suspicious of his brother Harvey. For that, someone in the family pays, especially after grandma Edwards rejects Harvey's choice of a bride, Susan Shaw.

There could have been another 15 minutes to this cheaply made film that would have padded out the film with necessary detail about the family's history and what led to the violent twist that happens.it is not one of the better British psychological melodramas that I have seen, and they made some that are simply magnificent. Still, Harvey is a star in the making, so this is an interesting look at a great screen actor before his time.
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