The Andy Griffith Show: High Noon in Mayberry (1963)
Season 3, Episode 17
Showdown in Mayberry
20 May 2019
This is another honorable mention it's basically the show doing "High Noon." I really like how suspenseful the episode is, there really is a tenseness throughout the episode where even the familiar setting of Mayberry offers no comfort. Really like one moment where Andy despite maintaining his usual cool demeanor we see a small crack or two, there was once scene where he takes out a gun and checks it for ammo, contemplating whether he should carry it with him or not. This to me shows how human Andy is, I'd probably go though the same motions and feel the same way, when you get a feeling of doom; Andy is never a person looking for trouble, but trouble may 'be looking for him.

However, this episode shows the heroism in Andy how despite his misgiving feelings, he's willing to face whatever opposition comes his way. Andy's way is sort of the Gandhi approach as Andy is utilizing passive resistance to this showdown, Andy is showing the courage not to fight.

However, to me what really carried this episode is Otis, Barney, and Gomer all three acting as secret service for Andy, though you could say more like "The Three Stooges", it's just hilarious seeing all three together going at things.

One really funny moment is when Otis he is crawling underneath Andy's home for close surveillance and guard, Aunt Bee looks out the window, Otis then tries to maintain his cover by pretending to be a cat ( a really sick one for that manner), but then Aunt Bee drops a flour pot down. I'm not sure if Aunt Bee knew that was Otis or some random stranger but all the same it was funny. But I mainly love how Barney is running the posse and despite how hard he tries as usual can never get it function in working order.

Some of the best scenes are with both Gomer and Barney, my favorite one which is comic gold is seeing Gomer just handle firearms irresponsibly and Barney trying in vain to teach him to use it responsibly, though Barney is probably not the best teacher as he's not very responsible with guns either, as well as Gomer sneaking up on Barney on night watch.

But seeing Barney's inefficient posse just show unlike the whole town on "High Noon" that Mayberry is behind him. A person survives longest with lone bravery and when he/she has friends to always watch his/her back.

Rating: 3 and a half stars
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