The Crows (2006 TV Movie)
Better than expected, but still not great.
15 May 2019
Unfortunately I couldn't find this DVD in its original German language and had to settle for an English dubbed DVD. Dubbed is never the same and doesn't always sound believable, but anyway, I watched it.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by this TV movie. Every film about birds attacking people will no doubt be compared to Hitchcock's 'The Birds', but this film is good in its own right and doesn't try to be 'The Birds'. There's a lot of conveniences and plot flaws and Alexandra (Susanna Simon) is maybe a bit more determined (and suspicious) than she ought to be. The film is also over-dramatic at times (but could be due to the dubbing).

There's a few nicely set-up suspenseful scenes. The visuals and photography in general was good. The reporter was a very weak character and not really likable. The build-up to the finale was exciting but the film ended without a mention-able climax. The visuals during the climax were incredibly good, though. Is it a film I'd watch again? Actually, probably yes, but in its original language.
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