Lap Dance (2014)
Don't Pay For This. You Can See More Breasts At A Public Pool, With Better Acting.
12 May 2019
The writer/director didn't seem to understand stripper culture, so the movie is inauthentic. The lead actress is TERRIBLE. She seems to have studied strippers to get an 'affect', not realizing that the affect she is trying to emulate is actually the influence of opiates and alcohol. So, about halfway through the movie, she begins acting like she's in a daze and slowing her speech - nothing like a bad actress, being slow about it.

Much like 'How To Plan An Orgy In A Small Town' (2015, also a terrible movie), if you imply sexuality in a title, you have to deliver. This movie doesn't have enough sex and it doesn't have enough nudity - which should have been the whole point of watching.

RealReview Posting Scoring Criteria: Acting - 0.5/1 Casting - 0.5/1 Directing - 1/1 Story - 0.5/1 Writing/Screenplay - 0.5/1

Total Base Score = 3

Modifiers (+ or -) Cinematography: 0.5 (There were a couple lap dances in 'Lap Dance') Believability/Consistency: -0.5

Total RealReview Rating: 3
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