The Flash: Memorabilia (2019)
Season 5, Episode 12
The Flash is back but should I care about Cicada?
12 May 2019
After "Seeing Red" almost made me lose all hope in the current Cicada storyline, "Memorabilia" has done a fine job at restoring a small bit of hope.

This is a fantastic episode. From the bits in the Flash museum which were awesome, to seeing some great family moments between all of the characters; it was just a great time.

Like other episodes this season, "Memorabilia" manages to balance the admittedly bloated cast in a nice way.

Ralph and Cisco's story was great and I absolutely loved the introduction of Kamilla. I also have to hand it to them for giving Nora some great material this episode. Her chemistry with young Grace's actress was super palpable and really propelled their scenes together.

Barry consoling Iris as Iris believes herself to be a bad mother was great and I loved seeing how it all changed. It's a great message to see that sometimes you have the wrong memories purely out of anger.

The twist with Grace was very well done. It came out of nowhere in the best way and it promises at least something interesting for Cicada soon. I think Orlin Dwyer is still missing the spark he had for me earlier this season (especially since he wasn't technically in the episode), but hopefully the stuff with Grace pays off.

The Flash redeems itself by delivering a very well done and super enjoyable episode that shows us a solid look at the fun and nostalgic Flash museum, nice development for Cisco and some actual, if minimal, progress on the Cicada front.
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