The Flash: News Flash (2018)
Season 5, Episode 4
The Flash stumbles...
12 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After three very solid episodes in a row, it was a given that the show would stumble at a point and that's all "News Flash" is; a stumble.

After a promising opening in the loft and a hilariously funny and enjoyable softball game, "News Flash" takes a turn for the worst.

I'm gonna be honest, Spyn is not a good meta. The actress isn't great and her power set runs out of fun within the first few times she uses it. I also found a lot of the family drama this episode to feel forced at times (especially the ending scene, how dumb are Barry and Iris?).

This episode might have been a lost cause if not for a tremendous side plot with Sherloque and Ralph as they look into Cicada's mask. Ralph was feeling pretty insecure about a new detective being on the team and "News Flash" proved that he's just as good as any multiversal detective out there.

Thanks to a boring and lame metahuman threat, some awful family drama and just a boring middle stretch, Season 5 hits its first stumble. It's not a complete loss, though, as a subplot manages to keep the episode MOSTLY afloat landing "News Flash" as a 6/10 - "Okay".
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