Or, Why We Need Gun Control; Lamenting Corruption
8 May 2019
Any empathy that a viewer might develop for these two alienated youths quickly dissolves: Roman is just another teen idiot with easy access to guns, and being the son of a wealthy politician, he's uncontrolled and knows no boundaries. Maru thinks Roman's alienation from society gives them a common bond, and they link up when she is emotionally vulnerable, feeling as-yet-unrequited sexual urges. Why either of them is disaffected is never explained. And that seems an intentional and satisfyingly realistic directorial choice, to show unthinking teens making bad choices with no plan, no hope, and no future. Things go poorly, as you might expect.

Both lead characters are well acted; their understated approaches suit the mood and the personas. The supporting cast of "responsible" adults receives much less screen time. The camera work is mostly fine. Too-close close-ups and hand-held views, all so unnecessary and annoying, are short and infrequent. Perhaps one day those fads will go the way of bell-bottoms and mullets or their Mexican equivalents.

The scenario, the characters, and the result of I'm Gonna Explode could play out in any one of many nations. I inferred a particular message, as indicated by my title above; others may experience it differently. It's worth watching once.
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