Painfully dull slasher
7 May 2019
"New Year's Evil" is one of the dullest slashers I've ever seen. Nothing memorable happens in it at all. It feels like a movie with the good bits cut out. It is a complete waste of time. There was no reason to make it except to cash in on the slasher craze, and no reason to watch it.

The plot seems to be something to do with a punk rock lady who is hosting some kind of telethon thing. She gets a call from a guy with a device clenched between his teeth that makes him sound like a grumpy George Burns. He says he's going to kill someone, and since this is a slasher movie, I suppose he does. I remember people dying in the movie, though none of the kills are memorable at all. They're also strangely non-violent.

"New Year's Evil" is one of those movies that is all set-up. I can imagine the filmmakers pitching the idea to the studio, and the studio loved the idea so much they didn't bother to ask, "What happens next?" Because the truth is, nothing happens next. Nothing happens in the movie. I was so glad when it was over.
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