Review of My Past

My Past (1931)
My, oh my...
6 May 2019
.....that was a bit boring. There is an interesting set-up with relationship anomiles playing out all over the place. Lewis Stone (John) is the rich sugar daddy type who spends all his time entertaining on his yacht, especially with the company of actress Bebe Daniels (Doree) and her friend Joan Blondell (Marion) who seems to pair off with her sugar daddy Albert Gran (Lionel). Ben Lyon (Bob) works for Stone and is invited on board to one of these yacht adventures and falls in love with Daniels. Uh-oh, should be loads of tension between boss and employee over this one...

Well, there isn't. Stone seems to encourage this other relationship with the woman he loves. What? He also laughs a lot in quite a creepy way which doesn't make any sense. And the film drags. It's good that it depicts a complicated world of relationships but it's just not very realistic. Natalie Moorhead (Consuelo) turns up as Lyon's wife and they have quite a frank discussion about their marriage. It's definitely pre-code material. Watch for the settings and the outfits and the female acting and you get some entertainment out of things. Lewis Stone.....!!....?...weirdo.
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