A small sample how a Brazilian cinema was decay on the 70'!!!
5 May 2019
Coming from the countryside on 1976 when l'd just arrived here in São Paulo, all downtown's theatres had movies like that on outdoor advertising or on the lobby as well, this crap movie easy explains how our cinema collapse on the 70', the plot is quite foolish, on the Board House just for women, all sort of girls living there, a hippie girl, a university student, a night dancer, a a quiet bride, a shy newcomer girl and an easy girl, headed by a former oldest profession's woman as we shall say, in this poisoned environment all weirdest things happens, the leading role Magrit Siebert plays a university student who is pregnant by someone that she has involved accidently, the quiet bride is Helena Ramos was in a peak of her beauty, actually she was raped in near past and has afraid to make love with his boyfriend, Guta an African south American is a night club dancer, she really was on real life as Sargentelli's samba' girl, a shy newcomer girl has harassed every time at São Paulo's street while looking for job, so to be shorten let's on those girls, but has a delivery man who works nearby, this odd guy supposedly dumb was falling in love to blonde university, I'd never saw such discrepancy, also the nasty behavior from the Ismênia's lover, further has a thief who got inside house by the roof and goes all around stealing cheap things and money, he has a lecherous whisperings during the act, the dramatic ending led some clues how the Brazilian cinema reach to at so low degree on this misbegotten decade!!!


First watch: 2019 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD-R / Rating: 2.5
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