Grey Skies (2010)
4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Friends have a get together at the "Cabin in the Woods." Set spinner....aliens!

Robert (Aaron McPherson) organized the get together. He has been fighting with his girlfriend Jenny (Stacy Jorgensen) as he took off for a week after their last fight. They are joined by Michael (Michael Cornacchia) who supplies us attempts at comedy. His boy toy photographer friend Brian (Jeff Schuetze) comes along too. Hayden (Jeff Lorch) is the third buddy who brings along his girl Sandy (Shelley Dennis). Annie (Anne Griffin) a mutual friend of the fighting couple comes too to add to the tension because fighting Greys isn't enough to hold our interest.

I think you got the general idea. The characters were decent. They were able to effectively develop a large number of characters in a short span of time while still keeping the plot moving. The problem is that the horror aspect was low even when the Greys were there. Okay, Alien being that mean us no harm and plot spoiler: No one is dying. They are just "rats in a maze." I didn't feel it.

EMF forces knocked out car batteries, but flashlight cells still work.

Part of a 30 Horror Film Collection.

Parental Guide F-bomb, sex, nudity (Shelly Dennis).
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