Comedy and heart
2 May 2019
When Buster Keaton was in his prime, during the silent film period, there was nobody back then, when it came to comedy, more daring in terms of the jaw-dropping stunt-work, or who was able to make deadpan funny and expressive, and actually it is still like that now. Keaton wasn't nicknamed "The Great Stone Face" for nothing, and he took risks with the stunt work and physical comedy and was not afraid to do anything bold. It was a shame though that he didn't transition as well into sound and his films just weren't the same.

Only his second feature film, 'Our Hospitality' is one of Keaton's best in my view. Other favourites being 'The General', 'Steamboat Bill, Jr', 'Sherlock Jr' and 'The Cameraman'. As has been said already, it may have comedy (and brilliant comedy) and the stunt-work is as enormously impressive as one would expect, but there is also a huge heart of gold. One of Keaton's sweetest and most heartfelt and the charm factor is huge. It reminds me of another masterpiece of his 'The Cameraman' in that regard.

It may not quite be the technical achievement that 'The General' and 'Sherlock Jr' were/are, but it still looks great with beautiful and inventive photography that uses the camera and the character's clumsiness very cleverly. The period detail is also charming and remarkably authentic. Similarly, it may not quite have stunts as jaw-dropping, daring or as awe inspiring as for example the climax of 'Steamboat Bill, Jr', but they are still astonishing in their audacity and it is amazing that they are so much fun to watch but be dangerous at the same time. Also amazing is that as always they were all done by Keaton himself. A big example of this is the sequence with the waterfall.

There is still comedy here and while it is subtler than other Keaton films, it is still beautifully timed and very funny. The running gags regarding his trains are hilarious while also affectionate in a way, can be wary of running gags because they can wear thin and get tired too early if not done well but 'Our Hospitality' is one of the best examples in this regard. Seeing Keaton in drag was quite interesting. The story is very sweet and heartfelt and it didn't feel too slow, plus the sentimentality didn't go overboard. The long chase is indeed very exciting.

Yet another Keaton film with a story with brains, heart and logic, treating the audience with respect and there is never any trouble following it, always engaging too. The characters are worth rooting for and don't annoy or bore. The supporting cast are all good but this is Keaton's film.

Keaton as expected gives a pitch perfect performance, one of his best and it embodies all the qualities of why he was so great. Not only is his comic timing on point but he once again provides a character that's endearing and worth rooting for. His physicality and how he copes with the stunts is awe-inspiring and he is one of not many to make deadpan interesting and entertaining because he still makes it very expressive and nuanced.

Summarising, outstanding film. 10/10
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