Barry: The Show Must Go On, Probably? (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Barry - The Show Must Go On, Probably?
30 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In the life of Barry, he rids himself of this problem and that problem (Janice Moss and Goren), others emerge. Gene cannot escape the funk of losing Janice while NoHo Hank must try and keep his newfound relationship with Cristobal and the Bolivians under repair. While Barry hopes The Front Page will somehow go on as planned, Gene's lack of participation keeps the cast (including Sally) from committing faithfully to the play. NoHo Hank wants Barry to do a hit for him, unwilling to take no for an answer, using his status as the replacement of Goren (and knowledge that Barry killed him) to convince him that it is in his best interest. Detective Loach learns that a tooth found in the garage where Goren and his thugs were killed matches DNA of Fuches from a Coca Cola can, eventually surmising ties to Barry "Block". Loach has a failing marriage and understands that his wife is having an affair...this could very well factor into whether or not Barry can keep from a trip to jail. Fuches tried to secure a new hitman but he fails miserably to get a "package" for a client...the hitman uses a shotgun on the safe when the bullet ricochets into his leg, with the police arriving to take him out while the client leaps out a window, falling into a car and right into the law enforcement armament. So Fuches is caught, Barry's link to him is discovered by Loach, NoHo Hank demands Barry kill someone for him, Barry is forced to try and direct Gene's play which turns into a complete disaster, Barry must surrender some details to Gene from his military past (the thrill of killing locals in while in an outpost of the Middle East is met by other soldies with glee, target practice celebrated because they were his first kills) in order to save the workshop from closure, and Barry's giving up some truth impresses Sally. Sally, of course, can't be with him that night afterward because her career demands come before that (drinks with agent, rehearsal the next day, etc.) Goldberg's moments are so good it feels like she's in these episodes longer than she really is...her inability to coax Barry out of trying to direct the play and rehearsals (his pep talk totally embarrassing) and attempts to convince Barry that Gene's pain is more important than a play show that despite her efforts he's totally committed to its success even as all the signs scream bad idea. Barry wishes to put his hitman past behind him-that has always been the show's point-but that simply won't go away. NoHo Hank, often treated as a clown, has a shining moment of clarity where he isn't a pushover doof Barry can talk down to, drawing from how he was disregarded in the clothing store with a pointed mission statement and no fooling around.
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