Phineas and Ferb (2007–2024)
A review coming from an ex phineas and ferb fanboy
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this show was a part of my childhood memories, I used to be a huge fan of this show especially because my former best friend from school George was as well.

Plus, when I was like 11 or 12 I think I was like addicted to the series because of how creative each episode was of what invention Phineas and ferb where going to make and what song they was going to play. But, I think after a year or so I got board because of how repetitive each episode was.

Here is an episode in a nutshell

Mom goes off somewhere.

The boys plan an invention.

Candace is left in charge.

Perry the platypus their pet disappears to stop an evil scientist who wears a pharmacist looking lab coat. Phineas usually asks "where is perry?"

Phineas and Ferb build something.

Isabella a cute girl who has a crush on phineas comes in and keeps on saying her catch phrases every episode "What ya doin?"

Then buford an overweight strong kid and this indian nerd bailgit come in and join in the fun.

Perry attempts to stop Dr Doofinsmorphs but gets trapped in one of his trap and explains his evil or shows his inator plain like a chessy cartoon villain.

A random song plays.

Candice notices the boys invention calls her mom with the usual "Phineas and Ferb this" "Phineas and Ferb that"

Perry escapes the trap, fights the doctor his inator gets fired. When the fight ends the doctor keeps on saying the same thing "Curse you perry the platypus"

The inator hits phineas and ferbs invention and the backyard is back to normal.

Candice tries to show her mom but is humiliated because the invention is gone.

Perry arrives home with phineas's usual statement towards the end. Oh, there you are perry"

Mom calls them in for snacks and the episode ends.

Perry's entrance theme song plays in the end credits or what ever song was played in the end credits.

There you have it an entire episode in a nutshell.

But some of my favorite episodes such as Phineas's birthday, Where's Perry? and a few specials don't have this formula. Plus I liked the marvel and the star wars specials.

So, overall good show but can be repetitive.
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