The Red Line (2019)
Best show I've seen in a while!
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
All of the people downvoting positive reviews for this show must have policemen in their family. Guess what? I do as well and I loved this! Not every cop is a good cop so please do away with your misguided views. This man was shot because he is black. Plain and simple. He didn't have a weapon, he wasn't running away, he wasn't fighting with the cop. The cop saw a black man and shot, not once, but twice. Did he yell Police? Or Stop? Or Step away from the register? No, just came in and pulled the trigger twice. Noah Wylie is brilliant in this. I've always loved him. He isn't afraid to show his emotions and his crying seemed very real. The actress playing his daughter is excellent, too. This is an honest look at how these police shootings affect more than just the cop. There are more than one victim left dead. The family's hearts are shattered as well.
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