Ms .45 (1981)
Those expecting an exploitation film will be very surprised by its complexity and depth.
28 April 2019
My spoiler free review for The Bloody Asylum that can be found at WordPress, Mr Geeky blog:

Abel Ferrara had by 1980 directed two feature films, The Driller Killer being the most well known of these, also banned as one of the most notorious of the video nasties in the UK in the 1980's. This was followed by Ms .45 released in 1981. A masterpiece containing one of the unsung great performances of all-time. On the surface a seemingly generic rape revenge exploitation film, but actually containing far more depth and complexity than any of the other rape revenge films released in the 1970's and 1980's, such as I Spit on Your Grave. Those expecting an exploitation film will be very surprised by its complexity and depth.

Ms .45 is quite possibly the definitive rape revenge film, setting the template for every film of the genre that came after, its influence still being felt now. Recently inspiring Corale Faragat's 2018 film Revenge.

Ms .45 is considered by some to be a feminist revenge film, but it transcends that. Anchored by an incredible lead performance by Zoe Tamerlis Lund, unbelievably only 17 years old at the time of filming. Abel Ferrara said that as soon as he first met her he knew he had found the right actor, and that it was her auditioning him rather than the other way round. She would further show the depth of her talent by eventually going on to co-write Abel Ferrara's Bad Lieutenant. A film she said was the most personal of those she made.

Ms .45 may have be written by a man and directed by a man but its female perspective according to director Abel Ferrara came from Zoe Lund herself and her portrayal of the lead character Thana. It is as much her film as it is Abel Ferrara and the writer Nicholas St. John. Possibly why she maintained that she felt she directed it.

An almost character study, exploring the effects of traumatic events on a person, inspired by Taxi Driver, Death Wish, and Thriller: A Cruel Picture (They Call Her One Eye). Those inspirations do not even come close to describing it and any synopsis really does not do it justice at all. Sharing the feel of these films, but more so the psychological complexity of Taxi Driver. What makes it more than just an exploitation film is first and foremost Zoe Lund's unbelievably trans-formative, nuanced and extremely captivating performance as the film moves towards its shocking climax. Made all the more impressive as her character is mute and has no internal dialogue as a voice over. Her every expression and gesture conveying all the aspects of her character's feelings and emotions. A sublime performance complimented by some really impressive performances from the supporting cast. Abel Ferrara's direction is superb, aided by the beautiful grimy cinematography, pitch perfect editing, and a very avant-garde musical score. A film absolutely full of nuances that are revealed more with repeated viewings.

There is an added poignancy watching the film knowing that Zoe Lund died at the very young age of 37. Ms .45 is a lasting testament to her talent as a unique and naturally gifted actress. Alongside Bad Lieutenant she left a remarkable and extremely influential legacy.

Ms .45 is a film that nearly 40 years after its original release is still as powerful and disturbing as it ever was.
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