A Satisfying Finale to the MCU as we know it
27 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A great cinematic experience this certainly is. Once again the Russo brothers and screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have managed to craft a film that juggles a vast array of characters superbly well.

There's also such a sense of emotional resonance and poignancy to this film, which is executed nicely in the first and third acts that concludes the arcs of many established heroes. It's a superb send off to Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, whose journeys ended in a palpable way. It was a nice touch to send Steve back in time to finally spend his life with Peggy Carter, and fitting for Tony to save the day by sacrificing himself, ensuring the Infinity Saga began and ended with him.

However, I do have some issues, mainly with the fact the second act with the 'time heists' wasn't nearly as interesting or thrilling as I hoped it would be. It didn't drag the pace of the film down too much, as the three hour runtime zipped by overall, but it wasn't that fulfilling.

There's also some consistency issues with how characters are able to handle Infinity Stones like it's nothing, despite it being set up in Guardians of the Galaxy that most beings would disintegrate trying to hold them. Also the Avengers are able to fashion a gauntlet from Iron Man's tech to hold the stones despite it being set up in Infinity War that a special gauntlet needed to be forged to hold them. These things bugged me a little.

However, these are only minor nitpicks in what was an overall great film, which delivered a lot of brilliant moments of fan service as well has a fantastic final battle which was set up and executed with great precision.

I preferred Infinity War as a film, but as an experience Avengers Endgame stands on its own in the current cinematic landscape.
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