Il fantasma di Sodoma (1988 Video)
Kitschy camp
24 April 2019
That German soldier is so sexy. In the same way that excessive female nudity can make or break a movie for you straight sleaze fans, watching this sexy nazi guy brings this movie up a notch for me... because unfortunately, otherwise it's not extremely entertaining. Very kitschy, it comes off like an R-rated version of an episode of Freddy's Nightmares- although judging by some of the dialogue, referencing both kitsch and b- movies, that seems to have been the intent. Regardless, it's sometimes entertaining but always makes me cringe. Definitely not one of Fulci's best but still more coherent and unified than films like Aenigma and Zombi 3. One thing I really enjoyed was the presence of a main ensemble of standard slasher characters- you know the kind, ones with no personality that you're just waiting to get picked off one by one. Which is why I feel like if he'd written this as more of a regular slasher with a paranormal twist instead of making heavy use of the supernatural aspect this could have been more entertaining. When all's said and done, this is still a fun film, even with its numerous drawbacks and i'd probably watch it again- this time with a couple bottles of wine.
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