Nora Prentiss (1947)
Kissing not telling
24 April 2019
'Nora Prentiss' had a lot to it that made me want to watch it. Its biggest draws were that it was film-noir mixed with drama, being someone who has always absolutely loved film-noir, and a very interesting idea for a story, one that had the potential to stir a fairly wide range of emotions if done right. Some good talent in front of and behind the camera, with as good a technical crew as one could get, composer Franz Waxman and lead actress Ann Sheridan.

Found myself really liking 'Nora Prentiss'. It is not flawless by any stretch and one can see where those that weren't so enamoured with it are coming from with their criticisms. 'Nora Prentiss' was one of those films that disturbed, moved and entertained me, and in a good way and not many films recently have made me feel like that in such a way. That's one of the reasons as to why the rating given has been given, as well as it having a good deal to admire elsewhere. With what didn't quite work for me, which was actually not much at all, not being minor criticisms, the rating could have been lower, but couldn't bring myself to do so with the good things being done so well.

Personally do feel that 'Nora Prentiss' was a little on the overlong side by about twenty minutes or so. The story did start to feel slightly over-stretched later on.

It is one of those in a way leave your brains behind kind of films. Genuinely did enjoy the film, but the latter did become a bit too silly and melodramatic, which did increase until it became somewhat ludicrous.

However, 'Nora Prentiss' looks great. The production design is full of atmosphere and is also quite sumptuous, while the editing never felt disjointed or chaotic instead flowing smoothly and even more impressive was the moody and beautiful to watch photography that enhanced the noir-ish atmosphere with ease. Waxman's score is not one of his best, but it is haunting and at times suitably stirring. Vincent Sheridan's directing is more than capable, allowing the film to never become dull.

The script was tight enough and didn't ramble, it provoked thought and was sometimes witty. The story mostly gave me chills when in its more disturbing moments, where there is far from diluted suspense, the chemistry between Sheridan and Kent Smith didn't ring false to me and there are real moments of poignancy. Didn't find myself bored and while the film does lose its way in the latter stages the ending is memorable. The cast are fine with Robert Alda, father of the better known Alan, giving the supporting turn that stuck out the most. Smith may seem bland to some, only from my perspective because Sheridan has the stronger character that dominates quite rightly. Actually think he did very well and brought enough intensity and nuance without being overwrought or too lightweight, the character's descent/degregation required a lot of both and Smith does just about convincingly in that. 'Nora Prentiss' is Sheridan's film and she is just excellent in every regard, she also has two solos in the film and she absolutely sizzles in both.

Overall, well done with many great elements but got over-stretched, due to over-length, and too silly later on. 8/10
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