Review of Better Angels

Madam Secretary: Better Angels (2019)
Season 5, Episode 20
"The American Founding Fathers were Right Wing Extremists....Thank God" - window decal
22 April 2019
Historical Accuracy 0

Facts that you can Read for yourselves

Failed Democracy Experiment from 1781 to 1787 of the 1781 Articles of Confederation. Script Writers need to read the 1781 Articles of Confederation.

The Failed Democracy replaced by The Republican Form of Government of the 1787 U.S. Constitution and Amendments. Script Writers need to read U.S. Constitution and Amendments.

As far as the Refugees (Al Quada's Ansar Al Islam and Ansar Al Shariah) created by Democrat President Obama's 2011 Overthrow of U.S. Ally President Gaddaffi, and attempted Obama 2011 Overthrow of U.S. Ally President Assad After being defeated by the Syrian Military Al Quada's Ansar Al Islam demanded the U.S. (Hillary Clinton) create quotas for EU Nations to accept the Obama Non Syrian Citizen Al Quada Ansar Al Islam. The First Nation to stop the U.S. Quotas was Hungry then Poland, followed by the rest of the EU Nations, after the Refugees attacks at France November 2015 killing 137, followed by the January 2015 attacks on Charlie Hebdo offices and a Jewish supermarket in Paris that killed 17 people Secretary of State Hillary Clinton then negotiated with U.S. Ally Turkey to keep 2 Million of the Obama Non Syrian Citizen "Obama Syrian Rebels" of Ansar Al Islam aka "Syrian Refugees". see Documentary Europe In Chaos.

Reverend Martin Luther King was a Registered Republican,. Extreme Racist Governor Wallace was a Registered Democrat. Google Governor Wallace.

Robert F. Kennedy "Bobby" did NOT demand an End to the Democrats Ordered Selecting only the "Economically Disadvantaged", nor an end to the Democrat President J.F. Kennedy demanded Save the Democracy of the Republic of South Vietnam War, nor did "Bobby" demand an end to the Democrats Deferments (like Democrat Vice President Biden got 5 Student Deferments, and one Medical Deferment). 1973 Republican President Nixon announced an end to Democrats Deferments and a Randomization of the Draft, as to why the Democrats wanted Nixon Impeached, Cut all Funding for the Democrats Vietnam War, and wrote the 1973 War Powers Resolution and 1973 War Powers Act to eliminate the U.S. Constitution's Presidential War Powers. see CBS News Documentary "Vietnam War".

Saying "American Dream", "American People", "America" equals Nationalism, as excluding all other Nations, and inclusive only to the Nation of Republic of America and Citizens of the Republic of America.
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