Fist of Fury (1972)
Bruce Lee vs. Bigots
19 April 2019
One of my favorite movies all time is a movie called "The Last Dragon." Of the 30 of you who've read this review maybe two of you have actually seen this movie. Who am I kidding... of the three of you who've read this review maybe none of you have seen "The Last Dragon." It's a kung-fu movie that takes place in Harlem starring Taimak and Vanity. It was very hip and trendy for the 80's. Anyway, in that movie there are several clips of a Bruce Lee film and I never knew what movie it was. Come to find out it's this one: "Fist of Fury."

Who would've thought that a kung-fu movie would try to tackle racism? I'm talking about "Fist of Fury" not "The Last Dragon." Along with the tried and true plot of avenging a fallen master, Bruce Lee had to deal with the bigotry and racism of the Japanese. As skilled of a fighter Bruce Lee was in all of his movies I'm sure he could've stamped out Japanese animosity one kick at a time. Just have him roam the country beating up bigots.

Beating up haughty arrogant Japanese was a biproduct of Lee's main goal: avenging his teacher. I love a no frills avenge-my-master kung-fu movie. In this particular movie a teacher of a kung-fu school was killed. It seems that everyone in the school is quite powerless to right this wrong with the exception of Bruce Lee. In fact, without Bruce Lee the school would be void of any half-way decent fighter. Says a lot about that school.

Bruce Lee was in fine form and covered a wide range of fighting and emotions. With fighting he displayed skills such as punching, kicking, chopping, and nun-chuckery. There was also flexing, posing, and his classic intimidation whine he does. That universally known Bruce Lee whine which translates to, "I'm a kung-fu master and I'm about to whoop dat a**." As far as his acting, he displayed such emotions as sadness, anger, passive aggressiveness, active aggressiveness, fury, indignance, and more anger. Oh yeah, you know when Bruce is unhappy. "Fist of Fury" is a simple enough movie with a lot of butt whippin'. Don't look too deeply you'll just catch a foot to the face.
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