Review of Heal

Heal (I) (2017)
Answer to all of your questions? Maybe not...
19 April 2019
Let me start off by expressing how much I despise social media, smart phones, smart TV's, and the internet in general:

I despise it.

I hate being harassed by ads all day every day while trying to network for my business, but alas, that is the world we live in.

But I also hate feeling like google, Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, amazon, Disney, and whatever other monopoly is left standing (chick-Fil-a?) read my mind and know EXACTLY what to show me because of what I've been researching or saying out loud....

But once again, I digress.

I have been studying and practicing self-healing, meditation, NLP, Chakras, the endocrine system, similarities in religions, and physical ailments for just a few months now but I have soaked up A LOT of juicy connections amongst ALL of these topics and beliefs. I've been a skeptic...of EVERYTHING my whole life, but now I'm finally piecing so many different sources together. I've never been a fan of modern-western medical science and for good reason.

There IS proof in this stuff and it's even beginning to be explored by modern-western science (but fancier words so you feel more convinced!) so please do not disregard this as pseudo-science mumbo-jumbo, because it can save your freakin life! Of course, there is much, MUCH more to the power of belief and the strength behind the connection of our pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid, thymus, adrenal glands, reproductive glands, and so on and so forth...but don't take my word for it! Try it yourself! Wahoo!
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