Review of LA 92

LA 92 (2017)
Rage unleashed
15 April 2019
The documentary boasts that it has material in it that was not released or seen by the public before. Since I did not know all the details anyway, but just had a sense of what had happened, I can't verify that. But whatever the case, that should not matter. What we do see is horrific. Be it the beating (and let me stress that out, very excecssive and very unnecessary at that) or the fallout of a very strange verdict, that really was not justice.

The movie itself does not comment on many things directly, it lets the people who were affected speak and lets the viewer decide what he or she makes of it. It is not easy viewing and there are certain things that I didn't know happened, things that in the overall scheme of things might not have been noticed by many. Like another case of injustice around that time. Like what the riots meant and who they affected - especially concerning the American Korean community.

If you can stomache this, it is exhilareting but also a history lesson of some sorts ... if you are into something like that
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