Despite its flaws, if you're not in a jaded mood it can be quite revitalizing.
13 April 2019
I remember this fondly but I wonder now if I might be a bit more hostile to it if I saw it now.

Like a lot of movies of this...type, there's something in its rhythm, the very tonality of its writing and visualiziation that makes it oddly hypnotic. It's a curiosity to be sure for reasons that the trivia section can inform you on in addition to a strangely urban and realistic adventure compared to the more rural/fantasy aesthetic its writer is more used to.

We start with a somewhat interesting mystery: who is taking out these books that she is? It gradually leads us into this plodding little pre-adolescent romance though the core of the film us the purpose we hold with our lives making much of the conflict seem rather internal and abstract so the movie has to rely on fiction within fiction to meet its quota of awe-inspiring imagery.

She seemed like a fairly happy person before he made her have an existential crisis so the conflict by the end seems a little manufactured on top of that.

Frequently saccharine with its approach to young love (Little Manhattan is a Generation beyond this), it's a movie that you need to sort of meet half way but I didn't mind at the time.

Probably a movie best watched in your teens.
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