Magnum, P.I.: Don't Eat the Snow in Hawaii (1980)
Season 1, Episode 1
Don't Eat the Snow in Hawaii - great crime series about murder and corruption
13 April 2019
Since I watched last night an awful reboot about my favorite 80's show Magnum P.I. I decide to review 2 part episodes of a great 80's show that evolves murder and drug smuggling. I love Magnum P.I. I grew up with this show it is part of my childhood. I watch this show from elementary school trough high school. In high school I was fascinating about this show I watch it all the time. The pilot episode and part II conclusion to Don't Eat the Snow in Hawaii in Season 1 I love to death.

The first episode is about a murder: when a Naval comrade, Lieutenant Dan Cook, USN (Allen Williams) and Childhood friend of Thomas Magnum (Tom Selleck) turns up dead and is murdered. Naval Medical Examiner found a burst bag of smuggled cocaine in his stomach. His superior Captain J. Cooly, USN (Fritz Weaver) covers up the whole idea and makes like Dan Cook was a drug smuggler and smuggle drugs from Tokyo to Hawaii on the plane till airport. Magnum doesn't believe this story, his friend was not a drug smuggler and he starts his own investigation with Alice (Pamela Susan Shoop) Dan's sister. He knows that Dan's cases he worked on are leads why Dan was murdered but Captain Cooly and Healy (W. K. Stratton) dose not want to give him a file cases. Magnum will do anything to find out the truth, why his friend was murdered.

Great introduction to Magnum, Higgins T.C, Rick, Zues and Apollo two Doberman dogs. Great acting, charisma and enthusiasm from Tom Selleck. The acting is top notch in this episode everyone did a great job in here. You have a car chase with Ferrari two assassins chases Magnum with a machine gun and the car of the pair men drives over brick off the road and explodes. The episode also focus on Magnum when he was in Vietnam fighting Vietcong, I know these 2 episodes doesn't show the enemy, but Dan Cook was not only Magnum's friend they both serve in the same unit in Vietnam with T.C. and Rick.

The music theme was alright but I prefer the later one that was used for intro from Mike Post and Pete Carpenter. I love the Robin Nest estate locations and where they were filmed in the 80's. I love Magnum's car and I love Magnum swimming in the water in the opening sequence. To hell with Reboot watch this original show. Season 1 to me is the best one in the show that aired in 1980's.
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