VERY well done and very balanced A MUST WATCH for everyone
10 April 2019
This was well done just like it's predecessor. While its impossible to capture every angle, depict every event, and tell every detail of every story of events that happened over decades, in just a few TV show episodes The Men Who Built America: Frontiersmen is a great overview of the events that happened and the lives of those men and women. It showed the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly sides of these people. It did not depict the Democrat President, Andrew Jackson (who was nicknamed "Jackass Jackson by his enemies in those days which is why the Democrat Party to this day uses the Jackass/Donkey logo), as a Saint but showed how ruthless he was and how focused on expanding America even at the cost of Native American lives (a fact that is well known). It was non-political and not politically correct in the negative sense but well balanced and sensitive yet still showing the condition of the time, as they were. One review here said these men, including our current President, used the office to get rich while leaving millions behind. While this is true of some and certainly there are those who, even today, use their political offices to enrich themselves I don't see our current President doing that as he not only donates his paycheck to various charities and is already a billionaire but there's no indication of his actions creating more wealth for himself (sorry I have to call it as it is). The beauty of the American system is that NO President, no matter what party, can remain in power long enough to gain enough power to fundamentally change the country. It's one man or woman and generation building on the efforts of those before them and The Men Who Built America: Frontiersmen certainly shows this.. just as The original "Men Who Built America" series showed how capitalism expanded the country's wealth in a positive way while at the same time showing the struggle of common people in the face of the tremendous greed, power, and ingenuity that fueled that expansion and how eventually balances were brought through the American system of Government in order to create a more level playing field for all. Both of these series show the struggles and extremes of these new "Frontiers"... one of the physical expansion of American and one of the Economic expansion. A MUST WATCH. These should be shown in public school one episode at a time and then followed by lengthy discussion to share perspectives and point out the pros and cons.. the good and the bad of what happened. I highly recommend both of The Men Who Built America series.
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