Taxi Driver (1976)
There's a Travis Bickle in all of us
9 April 2019
Taxi Driver is a rare example of how to tell a story through the eyes of the protagonist/antagonist. There's many ways to interpret this film and what it all meant depending on who you are. Some have viewed the character Travis as a psychotic gunman to a misunderstood hero. The film itself is excellent and easily makes it into my top 3, and the reason why is not just the acting, cinematography, style, or the well developed characters. This film did more then that, it stuck with me on a personal level. Never once in a movie have i ever related to someone like Travis Bickle. And i think i relate to him so much because he is just like you or me. I'm pretty sure we've all been at a point where our anger and rage reaches to a boiling point and we wish to act upon it, but our morals and better judgement usually stop us. We want acceptance from our peers and society in general, but when we don't achieve that we are then angry at the world. These feelings are perfectly represented with Travis Bickle. No person is safe from insanity. If pushed far enough you could one day become Travis. Whether or not you think Travis is a Hero or Villain, the Ending was a dream or reality, i think a majority of us can agree that Travis Bickle is a complex and well written character and everyone who worked on this film went above and beyond to bring us a film that forever engraved itself into movie history.
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