Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor (2013)
Season 8, Episode 0
A fond farewell for the end of the Matt Smith era
8 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"The Time of the Doctor" is the near perfect follow up to "The Day of the Doctor." In Matt Smith's final special, the Doctor finds himself drawn by a mysterious signal from an alien town called Christmas. And all his enemies are already gathered in orbit from fear. Why? The signal harkens the return of the Time Lords; the Doctor only needs speak his name. And of course, his enemies, including Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels, and the Silence will have none of that.

The Doctor's conflict is clearly seen throughout this special. He desires more than anything to bring his people back, but knows in doing so, he will ignite a second (and possibly even more deadly) Time War. But by guarding the crack in time and space (remember season 5?) he guards the possibility of their return.

This stalemate provides some good tension and we are treated to some genuinely chilling scenes involving the Dalek infected Silence. There are also many touching scenes between the Doctor and Clara. My only small complaint is that it does drag a bit as the Doctor continues to age in his 900 year vigil, but the climax of the third act more than makes up for it and the rest is filled with zany sci fi action and fun that only Doctor Who could deliver while wrapping up rather nicely the plot threads of the Matt Smith era. "I will always remember when the Doctor was me" he says, and we will too. 10/10
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