Alien Warfare (2019)
Alien Warfare: Oh come it's not THAT bad
7 April 2019
At time of writing Alien Warfare has an astonishingly low 2.4 rating on IMDB and I feel that it's undeserving of such criticism. Let's be clear this is far from a good movie but it's not THAT bad!

It tells the rather ludicrous story of 4 special forces soldiers sent in by the POTUS to investigate why a classified science base has suddenly gone dark. Needless to say by the title they come across an alien presence.

This is a very independent feature so you need to be aware of the limitations that were imposed on the creators. It could be argued that they swung above their weight here but to be fair it doesn't look that bad, it looks little worse than the average Scyfy original and I'd imagine they didn't have a tenth of their resources.

With an unknown cast lead by a real former US Marine everyone does about as good a job as could possibly be expected. The SFX are more than a little rough around the edges, the script is laden with flaws and the plot could have been handled a lot better. However again this simply isn't that bad, it's just a cheaply made sci-fi effort.

I'm sure big sci-fi buffs and fans of b/c-movies will get a kick out of this.

The Good:

There is a clear level of competence behind the camera

The Bad:

Everything across the board has plenty of flaws

Some of the practical effects are a bit cringe inducing
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