Don't Get Sucked In!
7 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead-actually, defensive warnings. A small Dutch town is terrorized by mysterious and always unwitnessed disappearances. A cop from Amsterdam is brought in. Also rung in is Peggy, local daughter who herself mysteriously disappeared several years before. Every episode throws suspicion on a new resident, but Frits, dad of the first vic is given a chance to go psycho several times, probably to keep the scriptwriters awake. Only one of the 12 vics (the first one) returns-alive but mute. Promising clues appear by the long ton; none pans out. It's a national scandal! Finally the top cop is kicked out but of course he continues investigating on the sly. And of course he and Peggy, whom he threatened with arrest for interference at the outset, become allies. At length we learn the motive for all this; it is ridiculous and non-credible. After all the red herrings that have been thrown about there is as lot of housekeeping to be done at the end to tie everything up; maybe that's what this goes to 13 rather than the customary 12 eps. And the ultimate clue is discovered in the finale in a building clearly visible to the but for some reason never searched. A neat row of fresh graves is clearly visible, as are the tools that ID the killer. The acting is on a par with the writing. Our two leads are so wooden you could count their growth rings; you could carve then in to camp stools or use them to finish the basement. In short, you can do just about anything but believe them.
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