A generic Bronson movie...
5 April 2019
Well, I must be honest that the sole reason for why I sat down to watch "Messenger of Death" in 2019 - and for the first time seeing it, mind you - was because of Charles Bronson starring in it.

So was it worth waiting 31 years before watching "Messenger of Death"? Hardly. Sure, this was an entertaining enough movie for what it was. Which was a straight forward, action packed movie starring Charles Bronson.

The storyline was running on autopilot and offered very little in terms of surprises or plot twists along the way. This was sort of a shame, because it gave the movie a very mundane and generic feel to it. And I actually dozed off once or twice along the way - not that it resulted in me missing out on anything vital to the story.

For a Charles Bronson movie, then "Messenger of Death" is fairly to the point. You know what to expect, and that is exactly what you get, for better or worse.

There is actually a fair amount of violence and action in the movie, but never to the point where it became too much.

While "Messenger of Death" certainly is entertaining enough for what it turned out to be, then this is hardly a classic, nor is it a movie that I will be returning to watch a second time around.
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