This Film Has Something to Say But It's Not an Easy Watch
28 March 2019
Set in a Chinese seaside resort city, this powerful film has a lot to say but it is not an easy watch and may break your heart at times. The movie is most ably directed by Vivian Qu, and it's only her second feature film.

Fifteen-year-old Mia (Qi Wen) is an employee at a hotel on the beach and one night witnesses, a possible sexual assault on two 12-year-old girls by a local Commissioner in one of the rooms there. What will follow will expose a corrupt and even inhumane system more intent on protecting the powerful than anything else. I might note here that Shi Ke adds much to the film as Ms Hao, a lawyer who tries to help bring justice to the victims and expose what happened on that night.

The movie has its share of rather bizarre and quirky elements, such as an enormous replica in the middle of the beach of Marilyn Monroe's famous scene in the film "The Seven Year Itch" when her skirt was blown upward on a subway grating.

Overall a powerful and important movie for those viewers who can stay with it, despite some very difficult scenes I will look forward to seeing what director Qu will bring to the screen next.
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