An old story told well
26 March 2019
Dragnet Night is an early French talkie primarily known today as being one of the first movies written by Henri-Georges Clouzot, who would go on to create such classics as Wages of Fear and Les Diaboliques. It is the story of Georget, a recently discharged soldier who quickly acquires a girlfriend and a career as a boxer. Can he hold on to both, or are the two mutually exclusive? It's a common story and i suspect it was an old one even in 1931, but this time around it is told with considerable charm. As it is an early talkie, the movie does seem a little creaky at times, but it mostly zips along, with lots of shots that wryly comment on the action. The cast is extremely fine, with both Albert Prejean and Annabella giving engaging performances. I particularly enjoyed bit player Jacques Lerner, who must have started in show business as a clown and who found lots of ways to include small comedic bits to incorporate into his role as assistant trainer.
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