25 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I thought was going to be an atmospheric thriller, but in the end it was just slooow, and nothing much, aside from misdirection, happened. The reveal at the end was so trite. Everyone dies, there is no real reason for it. People were mean to the killer's mother because they felt like she conned people with a pyramid scheme of some sort. For all the empty hours that is never fully explained. Basically she thought she was helping people (yeah ok), or didn't know better, so that should have excused it all, and everyone should have just treated her as though nothing happened when she got out of jail. The killer was a therapist, you'd think he would have understood why that goes against human nature, and never would have happened. Because the people were justified in feeling that way. So instead of moving, he just kills 12 people in retribution. Makes total sense. Then you have the cop who just tells his whole case to the MC Peggy, which is rediculous. And Peggy actually guessed the motive behind the killings earlier on, and was brushed off. I don't blame them for not taking that seriously, it's a stupid reason to kill people. And Peggy kept having boring flashbacks, which was just a part of all the pointless character development that didn't make up for the sad plot, so by the end I still didn't really care about any of the characters. I was maybe a little sad that they were all really dead, but it was mostly because of how pointless it all was, and how I'd just wasted my time. Only a tiny bit was because I'd come to know and care about the characters. I also couldn't remember any of their names, and that's never a good sign. But the biggest travesty of all was Peggy's pants. Every. single. pair.
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