A Celebration
25 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This Nathan For You special returns to the previous seasons, following up with people who made appearances on the show. It's hosted by the guy who hosted Nathan's fake reality show, The Hunk. Nathan speaks with the ghost realtor, the private investigator, the rebellious teen, Salomon and the minor who claims his alcohol.

One of the best parts is Nathan's visit to the Holocaust Education Centre, where his clothing line Summit Ice had raised $150,000 for the organization. He presents a tiny check which is hilarious.

Nathan also checks in with Corey, the man he made a hero. He moved out of his parents house and has a new girlfriend, all thanks to Nathan.

Overall, this is a nice refresher of the show before Season 4 aired. It's interesting to see how Nathan affected the people he's had on his show.
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