The Rockford Files: The Empty Frame (1978)
Season 5, Episode 8
Jim being Jim!
24 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Empty Frame is a solid story about real people being investigated. There is a art robbery, at a high society L A party. Chapman is embarrassed with the robbery and grovels for Jim's help. We see another side of desperation from Chapman. The Empty Frame portrays how 60's Berkeley radicals thinks and their distortions of idealism vs reality. A split in the group of radicals unveils. Who, why and What of the investigations slowly unfolds with Jim's leg working, con scams, good judgement of character and Jim's famous existential thinking. Then their is the plot twist of the couple the two men and the lovers dispute which caused the robbery. What works for the Rockford Files is the series never hits the viewer with over powering social messages but created more of a real life feel. The Empty Frame was directed and acted in a gritty realistic way, fore a more memorable episode. Well done.
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