Casual feeling sinks this
23 March 2019
I had wanted to see this movie for many years, but I couldn't find it anywhere on video or on television. But the other night, it was broadcast on Turner Classic Movies, and I finally got to see it. Was it worth the wait? No, not really. True, there is fun to see Basil Rathbone, Dennis Hopper, and John Saxon together in the same movie. The special effects that were taken from a Soviet science fiction movie do look pretty good. And I will admit that the movie does have at times an effective moody feel and atmosphere. But the story moves at an absolute crawl despite the running time only being around 81 minutes. The padding of the movie is obvious and excessive. The characters in the movie don't find themselves in real danger until more than two-thirds of the movie has passed. And while I do realize that the movie was made in 1966 - a more naïve time period - some of the actions and opinions of the characters seem really stupid and unbelievable. People with great interest in low budget genre movies of this period might get more enjoyment out of the movie than I did. But even then, I don't think the movie could be labelled as an absolute must-see.
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