22 March 2019
Before we begin, this movie is horrible, there. Zack Snyder or Joss Whedon's 'Justice League' is the ultimate build up to the 6 heroes coming together, 3 of which were set up, the other 3 not at all. The characters relationships work, however that's the only thing that works in this dumpster fire. Aquaman is a bland character and is very unlikable anytime he is on screen, to make up for this he makes jokes that don't land and does some 'badass' stuff, like hitting the cgi villian Steppenwolf. Batman does a complete 360 and changes from a brooding dark basically murderous vigilante to a jokey Tony Stark type figure. It doesn't help that Ben Affleck looks barely awake throughout the course of this film. Wonder Woman is just as boring and 1 dimensional as she was in 2016's 'Dawn of Justice' with only her solo movie providing any reason to care, the countless references to Steve Trevor annoyingly remind us that we could be watching a better movie. Ezra Miller's the Flash is an attempt to recreate essentially Spider-man, removing any intelligence that the character previously had, in place for a quirky, constantly messing up Flash, purely for comedic relief. Cyborg is bland and one of the few interesting characters that the movie refuses to explore. The film has awful writing with jokes that almost never land, and a plot that is so generic and straightforward that it just makes you realize the best thing about this movie. It's so straightforward and generic that you can watch it as just a dumb superhero popcorn flick. This film is unintentionally funny, and looks ugly compared to Snyder's usual beautiful style, the CGI is awful with some shots I can compare to that of the Injustice games and the main villain Steppenwolf who appears as a PlayStation character. The effects are awful, references to Wonder Woman that are shoehorned in, no consistency in this cinematic universe, and a film ugly to look at. However this film is dumb-fun and feels like a Saturday morning cartoon special and I had fun watching it.
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