The Flash: Time Bomb (2019)
Season 5, Episode 17
For how long you can keep a secret? Don't rob people from their decisions!
21 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For how long you can keep lying? "Therefore She Is" was a pretty good episode (2018) and Rob Greenlea nails this episode nicely. He infuses drama with action and doesn't add unnecessary soap-drama, just like we have seen in Season 1!

PROS: The visuals were impressive and much better than previous episodes. The flying dagger coming out of the window reminds me of The Dark Knight Rises. Cicada Jr. is more better than the original (boring) Cicada. She even mentions that the future is "plagued - unchecked and unabated", which seems realistic. Barry taking the costume out of his ring was phenomenal and outraced the dagger before it consumed his powers. Nice use of the episode "What's Past Is Prologue". Finally, Team Flash knows that Nora is working with Thawne. And I happy that Nora is getting detention for being so childish!

CONS: Kamilla Hwang's character was a distraction and totally unnecessary. No need to add forced-romance in this episode. Grace killing Cicada was too lame. Atleast, the writers could have waited for a few more episodes and saved it for later!

VERDICT: The episode ending was the icing of the cake. I liked when Barry says, "So am I". My ratings (based on what I marked on IMDb): Season 1: 200/23 = 8.69; Season 2: 193/23= 8.23; Season 3: 188/23= 8.17; Season 4: 146/23= 6.65 and Season 5= 121/17 = 7.12 (This episode = 8/10)
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