Halfway there, living on a prayer (literally)...
20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This mess of a flick was at best only halfway interesting. Every other ten minutes or so, I'd be somewhat riveted by the storyline, thinking I was watching a dark, almost Polanski-esque fable, but suddenly I'd be in the midst of a budding love story. The few odd, poorly delivered, and out of place attempts at comedic relief were nothing but fluff, as well. Thematically, this was like witnessing an interstate pile-up. Speaking of violence, SPOILER ALERT: I saw more menstrual blood in this film than I have in my entire life.

Still, and overall, it's easy enough to follow the story and to realize what's happening, but, and this is a huge BUT, if the screenwriter and director had just stuck with one film genre, this would've been a much better film, regardless of the genre chosen. Instead, we're left with a melodramatic art house LGBT horror period (no pun intended) piece. Yuck. 5/10
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