Love It or List It (2008–2023)
Entertaining and Hilarious!
19 March 2019
I love this show!! Yes, sure, the show follows a similar plot outline for each show but doesn't every show/movie to an extent? You're watching HGTV not HBO. I think the show delivers on its promise which is to present familes who are considering the idea of moving to a new home or staying in their current one. At the end, I genuinely don't know what the families are going to do which I think makes for great TV! I've read some comments that say that the familes are dramatic or Hilary is rude. Guys. It's a TV show about house buying/decorating. Relax. I think Hilary and David are hilarious together and they crack me up in every episode. Do I get so hooked that a can't miss a single second!? No. But I enjoy the show all the way through and think it's awesome entertainment. Isn't drama why we watch TV in the first place? Give it a try.
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